Sunday, July 15, 2007

the sweet life...

In and out of tunnel after tunnel we zoom through the German countryside. It's so beautiful to peek out my train window into these people's little lives. A lot like Sweden it reminds me...
People seem to not get enough of the nature and landscapes. Out peddling their bicycles and pushing their prams through the skinny streets... I think they might know what life is about. As they sip their coffees and crunch into their bright red apples they take things slowly and close their eyes to maybe absorb peace. If you walk alond a park or a pretty place with a park bench you will find people laying all over the place with bright colored blankets and fluffy dogs. As they lay back with the entire family filling their little cups with coffee from a thermos that is as old as I am they always have their eyes closed facing the sun... maybe they are thinking, pondering a vacation, or maybe they are just taking their thoughts in a little bit longer. It really is inspiring. I think I'll take this home as a suvineer.

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