Sunday, July 15, 2007

Cinque Terre, Italy

Cinque Terre was none of the less absolutely beautiful. After such a hectic journey in the gorgeous city of Florence it was lovely to rest a bit in the quaint little seaside villages. Such a wonderful time to spend by such beautiful scenery. The colors of the houses was seriously warming to see. Golds, reds, yellows. The food was so delicious and really great to relax at the small cafes. Endulging in the gelaterias from corner to corner. So creamy and sweet. The water of the Meditereanean is a treat to see. The rainbows of blues and aquas ooooh and the clearness. Amazing!
I keep remembering these tomatoes we had. It was from a fruitstand in Florence. THey were GORGEOUS red and the taste of these beauties was the best taste I ever had. We ate them whole like apples. as they driped from the corners of our mouths down our chins we didn't pause to wipe just bit the next bite. They were so sweet and addictively juicy. I have to try and grow them just to get a fix!

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